Categories in Dominus Kodi Build: Movies, Live TV, TV Shows, Music, Kids Zone and more.
Popular Addons in Dominus Kodi Build: Elysium, Skynet, BOB Unleashed and more.
How to Install Dominus Kodi Build?#
First of all, you need to download CellarDoorTV repo on your Kodi. After installing the repo, you need to download the CDTV Wizard from the repo. Then, you can easily install Dominus Kodi build from the CDTV wizard. Since you’re downloading this build from third party sources, enable unknown sources on your Kodi app.
#1: Click the Settings icon.
#2: Click File Manager.
#3: Double-click Add Source.
#4: Click .
#5: Enter the source URL ( and click OK.
#6: Name your source (Cellar) and click OK.
#7: Return to the home screen and click Addons.
#8: Click the module icon.
#9: Select Install from Zip file.
#10: Select the Cellar source.
#11: Click the zip file which labelled as (8.0 is version number and it may change)
#12: The CellarDoorTV repo starts to install on your Kodi.
#13: Once installed, select Install from Repository.
#14: Select the CellarDoorTV repo that you installed.
#15: Select Program Addons.
#16: Select either CDTV Wizard LEIA or CDTV Wizard KRYPTON depending on the Kodi version that you’re using.
#17: Click Install.
#18: The CDTV Wizard starts to install on your Kodi.
#19: Once installed, serious of pop-ups will appear on the screen. Select Dismiss -> Continue -> Build Menu.
#20: Select the Dominus Build.
#21: Click Fresh Install.
#22: Select Continue and the build start to download on your Kodi.
(NOTE: If you had error in downloading the build, try it another server)
#23: Once it downloaded, it will install automatically on your Kodi.
#24: Once installed, click Force Close and restart the Kodi to use the Dominus Build.
Final Thoughts#
Dominus is a perfect Kodi build that you can download to access all kind of Kodi addons and premium contents from one place. Make sure to update the build regularly for new addons and media. Thank you for visiting For further queries and feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.